background section

Planning and organising in order to improve your time management

We cannot possibly control time, whatever we do, time never stands still. However, we sometimes feel that there are not enough hours in one day. Or that we do not get enough work done.

However, there are ways to deal with unexpected circumstances, interruptions or urgent matters, which you can learn. Time management is easy once we accept that time cannot be managed. It helps to know that you can be in control of the way you use your time! Our behaviour, our habits, our conditioning make us work in a specific way. In this training, you will learn the differences between employees and how to effectively divide your working hours.

Nos formations ne vous coûteront rien.
Découvrez pourquoi et à qui elles s'adressent.
  • Type de formation

    Formation en présentiel

  • Durée de la formation

    1 jour

  • Suivez cette formation en :
    EN, FR, NL 
  • Code de formation


Résultats à l’issue de cette formation

In this classroom-based full-day training the focus is on planning and organising your schedule and your surroundings. You will get tips and strategies for self-management. It is focused both on planning and organising your own activities and on managing your colleagues and customers, helping you to effectively achieve your planning. This training will not discuss the use of Outlook, Office 365.


After this training you will be able to:

  • Set meaningful targets in your job.
  • Better plan in advance and set priorities.
  • Better understand your personal drivers.
  • Better cope with unexpected obstacles or procrastination.
  • Conquer time-wasters.
  • Develop routines for planning your work.

Public cible

Employees who can plan and organise their own tasks effectively and independently.

Méthode d'apprentissage: Formation en présentiel

Cette formation a lieu en classe avec d’autres participant·es sur place. Votre parcours comprend trois étapes complémentaires.

En ligneÉtape 1 : en ligne
Votre formation commence sur Karibu, notre plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne. Vous effectuez cette étape à votre rythme, où et quand vous le souhaitez.

Attention : il est indispensable d’achever cette étape avant de poursuivre votre formation.

En présentielÉtape 2 : en classe
Cette étape consiste en une journée entière sur le lieu de formation en compagnie des autres participant·es. Ensemble, vous apprenez les un·es des autres, sur la base des connaissances acquises lors de l’étape 1. Le groupe se compose généralement de 6 à 12 participant·es.

En ligneÉtape 3 : en ligne
Cet apprentissage se déroule également sur Karibu, à votre rythme, où et quand vous le souhaitez.

Connaissances préalables requises

No prior knowledge is required.

Additionally, the following training courses may be interesting:

Aperçu du programme

Step 1: online

After the final confirmation of your registration, you will be given access to the online learning platform Karibu two weeks before the start. Here, we will first sound out your expectations of the course, get to know your personal motives on the basis of 50 questions. We offer you a short quiz and we sound out your personal and professional goals. You go through 4 online modules that require a maximum of 2 hours of preparation time.


Step 2: in class

We will work interactively, learn from each other and offer you further insights, based on 7 principles.

  • How a tomato can help you with your time management: the Pomodoro Technique.
  • Procrastination, reprogramming your brain.
  • Stand up for your priorities, be assertive.
  • Too many meetings! What can you do?
  • What does planning mean to you? Organising, looking ahead according to a plan.
  • From vertical to horizontal logic in your time management
  • How a grid can help you prioritise your time management: the Eisenhower Matrix.

At the end of your classroom-based full-day training you can put your name down for an individual online follow-up interview with the trainer. This will take place via Zoom. The purpose of this interview is to test the training content against the functioning in the workplace and to ask individual questions if necessary.


Step 3: online

All the teaching material used is available in Karibu. You can also fill in a logbook to prepare for the individual follow-up, if you have signed up for it. You can also find a module about procrastination there, and we conclude with a quiz.