Boost work efficiency thanks to productive habits

Many people find it hard to remain focused at work. Time wasters – no more useless meetings! – and your own disruptive working habits – do you always want to be connected? – disturb your rhythm and creativity. In this training you learn to turn your counterproductive habits into productive routines. Allowing you and your colleagues to boost work efficiency!

Je hoeft niet te betalen. Hoe werkt dat ?


Wat leer je in deze opleiding?

  • You recognise habits that hinder efficient working.
  • You use techniques to creatively break through troublesome habits.
  • You stop multitasking allowing you to boost work efficiency.
  • You learn to ban ‘time-wasters’ to become up to 30% more productive.
  • You follow the steps to tackle troublesome habits of your own and in your team.


This training is interesting for every employee struggling with productivity at work. You learn to boost work efficiency by getting rid of troublesome time-wasters and habits.


Deze online-opleiding volg je op je computer. Je traject bestaat uit drie stappen, die elkaar aanvullen.

Stap 1
Je opleiding start op Karibu, je online-leerplatform. Dit leermoment doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.

Let op: deze stap afwerken is een vereiste om verder te gaan.

Stap 2: online-klas
Tijdens deze stap ontmoet je je medecursisten – gewoonlijk zes tot twaalf personen – via Zoom. Iedereen kan elkaar zien en horen. Dat maakt gesprekken, interactie en samenwerking mogelijk. Zo leer je van en met elkaar, op basis van de inzichten uit stap 1.

Stap 3
Dit leermoment vindt opnieuw plaats op Karibu. Ook deze stap doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.


Step 1 (45 min)

You warm up with some questions on your work efficiency:

  • How do you maximise your brain’s efficiency, without multitasking?
  • How do you get rid of ‘time-wasters’ such as unprepared meetings and unclear procedures?
  • What are troublesome habits and how do they harm efficiency? For example, wanting to be always connected and drawing conclusions too quickly.
  • How do the techniques ‘self-observation’, ‘inversion’ and ‘provocation’ help you to break the habits?


Step 2: online class (3 hours)

We apply the techniques that you learned during the preparation to specific habits of your own and other participants. To do this, we use three scientific models designed specifically to think up alternatives for troublesome habits and routines:

  • the transformation wheel
  • the provocation method
  • ‘boosting your brain’s efficiency’

You are also given a plan with steps to combat troublesome habits of your own and in the team.


Step 3 (35 min)

You receive access to in-depth reading material and find out how to provoke a change in your own and others’ behaviour using techniques such as nudging.

Sessies en planning



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