Design thinking: dive deeper into customer demand and enhance your ideas
Are solutions A, B and C already there before you even hear the customer’s question? Sounds smart, but it isn’t in fact. With design thinking you explore your customers’ questions first, to present more creative solutions later. In this training you discover the key to design thinking.
Go one step further in design thinking? Check out our other training on design thinking. You will learn to test, adapt and launch your ideas.
- 16-10-2024 +3 data beschikbaar
- 1 dag
- English (US)
- CL2258ECL € 0,00
Je hoeft niet te betalen. Hoe werkt dat ?
Wat leer je in deze opleiding?
- You master the basic principles of design thinking.
- You compare information from different sources (internet, customers, desk research …).
- You discover how to ask ‘How Might We’ questions.
- You manage at least 4 brainstorming techniques to generate creative ideas.
- You know the qualitative criteria for selecting the best ideas.
- By interviewing (potential) customers, you identify your target audience better.
Vereiste voorkennis
No prior knowledge is needed.
Go a step further? Then do our other training about design thinking too, during which you learn to test, adapt and market your ideas. You can do both training courses consecutively (they are always planned with 3 weeks in between) or choose one.
Deze klassikale opleiding volg je samen met medecursisten op locatie. Je traject bestaat uit drie stappen, die elkaar aanvullen.
Stap 1: online
Je opleiding start op Karibu, je online-leerplatform. Dit eerste leermoment doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.
Let op: deze stap afwerken is een vereiste om verder te gaan.
Stap 2: klassikaal
Tijdens deze stap ben je een hele dag ‘live’ aanwezig op de opleidingslocatie, samen met je medecursisten. Je leert van en met elkaar, op basis van de inzichten uit stap 1. Gewoonlijk is de groep samengesteld uit zes tot twaalf cursisten.
Stap 3: online
Dit leermoment vindt opnieuw plaats op Karibu. Ook deze stap doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.
Step 1: online (1 hour)
- First an introduction: what is design thinking?
- Discover Bright and Clean, the fictional case study in this training.
- Devise an Environment Map for Bright and Clean, in which you identify the influences on your organisation.
Step 2: in class (8 hours)
Together with others on the course you dive deeper into the theory. You learn more about the first 3 phases in design thinking.
- Phase 1: target audience investigation, discovery and immersion
- Explore
- Observe
- Make mindmap
- Interview
- Create persona
- Phase 2: looking beyond the initial question
- Interpret
- Process information
- Ask ‘How Might We’ questions
- Phase 3: generating ideas
- Ideation
- Ideation methods
- Idea selection
In the other training you dive deeper into the 4th phase (experimenting and adjusting) and the 5th phase (testing, adjusting and introducing innovations).
Step 3: online (1 hour)
You briefly recall the key to design thinking. You also gather inspiration with videos and literature.
Then, guided by the tutor, you set to work on your own case or continue your work on the classical case.
How did the assignment go? You discuss it in a moment of reflection together with the tutor and course mates. You receive feedback allowing you to refine your case even further.
Sessies en planning
16/10/2024 3:0 - Duur: 8H - Ibis Brussels City Centre (IBIS BRUSSELS CITY CENTRE) Joseph Plateaustraat Bruxelles 1000 België - Classical Learning
13/11/2024 3:0 - Duur: 8H - Kasteel Ter Ham (KASTEEL TER HAM) De Maillé de la Tour Landrylaan Steenokkerzeel 1820 België - Classical Learning
27/11/2024 3:0 - Duur: 8H - Cefora - Cevora Boulevard Auguste Reyers Schaerbeek 1030 België - Classical Learning
4/02/2025 3:0 - Duur: 8H - Ibis Brussels City Centre (IBIS BRUSSELS CITY CENTRE) Joseph Plateaustraat Bruxelles 1000 België - Classical Learning