Problem solving: 3 steps towards creative solutions

You probably recognise the situation: you are stuck with a challenge and cannot find the right solution. Whether it is a difficult question from a customer or a problem in your work processes, creative thinking techniques provide you with a wealth of possible answers. In this practical training you learn to think up immediately applicable solutions in 3 steps.

Je hoeft niet te betalen. Hoe werkt dat ?


Wat leer je in deze opleiding?

  • You master the 3 steps in problem solving.
  • You discover 4 techniques to think up creative solutions.
  • You learn how to visualise your ideas.
  • Using the COCD box you select the best ideas from your longlist.
  • From the training you gain at least 3 solutions for a challenge of your choice.


This training is suitable for all employees wanting to be smarter in tackling challenges. Do you have a specific problem? Well, after this course you will immediately have at least three solutions to help you.


Deze online-opleiding volg je op je computer. Je traject bestaat uit drie stappen, die elkaar aanvullen.

Stap 1
Je opleiding start op Karibu, je online-leerplatform. Dit leermoment doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.

Let op: deze stap afwerken is een vereiste om verder te gaan.

Stap 2: online-klas
Tijdens deze stap ontmoet je je medecursisten – gewoonlijk zes tot twaalf personen – via Zoom. Iedereen kan elkaar zien en horen. Dat maakt gesprekken, interactie en samenwerking mogelijk. Zo leer je van en met elkaar, op basis van de inzichten uit stap 1.

Stap 3
Dit leermoment vindt opnieuw plaats op Karibu. Ook deze stap doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.


Step 1 (90 mins)

You discover the 3 steps in problem solving. You also learn how to observe more and better, and get a new perspective on challenges. Finally, you also practice your creative skills by:

  • Breaking your patterns
  • Making surprising associations
  • Delaying your judgement

Step 2: online class (3 hours)

You set to work with one or more challenges of your choice:

  • You apply the reformulation technique to your problem.
  • You think up as many possible ideas with these 4 techniques:
    • Brain writing
    • Random word
    • Magazine method
    • Provocation and recall technique
  • You develop your ideas and visualise them using the Miro collaboration platform. You learn to work with Miro quickly and easily in step 1.
  • You make a selection of your ideas with the COCD box:
    • Quick wins
    • Ideas with more impact
    • Ideas for the future

Step 3 (80 mins)

In different ways you build on your new knowledge about problem solving:

  • With a specific assignment you apply the techniques to a real work situation.
  • You receive extra tips to break your thinking habits.
  • You conduct your own creativity test.
  • You learn how to run a brainstorming session.
  • You receive access to in-depth literature and blog articles.

Sessies en planning



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