Strenghten your communication skills with the Insights Discovery model

You find it difficult to communicate with certain colleagues, clients, managers and others in your professional environment. Will they ever learn how to talk with you? And yet you have colleagues with whom you communicate easily. What’s going on? Can you do something to improve the situation?

We offer you the opportunity to tackle this issue practically and learn to use techniques to enrich your interpersonal communication. Above and beyond the basics of fluid communication, mastering and using the Insights Discovery model will enable you to optimise your interactions with others and benefit from more respectful, productive and positive working relations.

Je hoeft niet te betalen. Hoe werkt dat ?


Wat leer je in deze opleiding?

By using the Insights model:

  • You understand the Insights Discovery model based on the 4 personality types.
  • You become aware of your own communication style and those of others.
  • You can adapt to different personality types and communication styles through practical exercises.
  • You use the Insights model to overcome obstacles to effective communication.


Anyone who wishes to develop their communication skills in professional situations.


Deze klassikale opleiding volg je samen met medecursisten op locatie. Je traject bestaat uit drie stappen, die elkaar aanvullen.

Stap 1: online
Je opleiding start op Karibu, je online-leerplatform. Dit eerste leermoment doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.

Let op: deze stap afwerken is een vereiste om verder te gaan.

Stap 2: klassikaal
Tijdens deze stap ben je een hele dag ‘live’ aanwezig op de opleidingslocatie, samen met je medecursisten. Je leert van en met elkaar, op basis van de inzichten uit stap 1. Gewoonlijk is de groep samengesteld uit zes tot twaalf cursisten.

Stap 3: online
Dit leermoment vindt opnieuw plaats op Karibu. Ook deze stap doorloop je op je eigen tempo, waar en wanneer je wilt.


Part 1: online (about 20 min)

  • Thinking about your needs and expectations.
  • Identification of communication issues.


Part 2: in class (8 hours)

Through interactive plenary sessions, practical exercises, sharing experiences and good practices we will go through:

  • Process of interpersonal communication.
  • Basic tools of constructive communication.
  • Focus on the phenomenon of perception.
  • Exploring the Insights Discovery model.
  • The Insights Discovery color energies and preferences.
  • Application of the Insights Discovery model to interpersonal communication.


Part 3: online (about 30 min)

  • Quiz.
  • How to continue and deepen the use of the Insights Discovery model.

Sessies en planning



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